Campus Live

Privacy policies

Data Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Data Privacy Policy is to make interested parties aware of the scope of the comprehensive protection of personal data recorded in the files; records; banks or databases; or other technical means of data processing implemented by Campus Live LLC, with address at 800 W. El Camino Real, Suite 180, Mountain View, CA 94040, USA, (hereinafter THE COMPANY), ensuring respect for the right to privacy of people, as well as free access to information about them that may eventually be recorded.

THE COMPANY considers that any type of information related to a person is personal information, and therefore ensures its privacy and confidentiality at all times. The confidentiality of the information will imply its maintenance in secure files and/or banks or databases, in such a way that access by third parties who are not authorized for this purpose is prevented.

For questions about this Policy or any circumstance related to the processing of personal information, interested parties may contact through any of these means:


The notifications and communications sent by THE COMPANY to the postal address or, to the email box consigned directly by the interested party, or the one that appears as the domicile or email address of the sender will be considered effective and fully valid. Likewise, communications that consist of notices and messages inserted in CAMPUS LIVE, or that are sent during the provision of a service, whose purpose is to inform users about a certain circumstance, will be considered effective.

This Privacy Policy refers to the following aspects:

Voluntary data delivery.

This Policy is intended to inform interested parties about the processing of personal data carried out by THE COMPANY, in order that they freely and voluntarily determine the delivery or not, of their personal data when they are required or that can be obtained from from the use of any of the services provided by THE COMPANY.

As a general rule, when some personal data is requested to use a service or access certain content, its delivery is not mandatory, with the exception of those cases where it is specifically indicated that it is data required for the provision of the service.

sensitive data

THE COMPANY does not collect sensitive data of any nature. If any of the required data is in the future classified as sensitive data by another competent authority, no user will be obliged to deliver that data in order to access the services provided by THE COMPANY.

Authorization of use of personal information

The client or user who provides their personal data expressly authorizes THE COMPANY to use the data provided for the purposes set forth herein. This also implies the acceptance of all the terms contained in this Policy, and in the respective contracts for the provision of services.

Information Collection and Use

The purpose of collecting and processing users’ personal data is to provide, manage, administer, personalize, update and improve the products and services made available to its users by THE COMPANY. It is also possible that the personal information of users for all legal purposes, which may include, but are not limited to, responding to your requests, processing transactions, for administrative purposes.

What information does THE COMPANY collect?

The information collected is:

A “referral” is information that the Web browser transmits to COMPANY servers.

When entering THE COMPANY it is possible to obtain the IP (Internet Protocol) address, and the type of browser used by the User. The IP address also allows knowing the geographical location of the computer or internet browsing device from which THE COMPANY has been accessed, the date and time of access. The browser can also allow us to know which internet pages the User has previously visited.

The “environment variables” are, among other things, the time of access, the type of browser, the operating system or platform being used, the Internet or website address that refers you to the COMPANY.

The “user actions” refer to the information related to the use of the resources offered by the site. This information, among other aspects, may refer to the documents consulted by the user as well as their quantity and type, the services to which the user accesses within the site, the search criteria used, and in general any other data that describes the user activity on the site. These data may be stored in a unique way or serve as a basis for the preparation of statistical information.

Eventually THE COMPANY may use cookies , which will be installed on the user’s computer when they browse the site. Their purpose is to facilitate navigation through the site for the user, and to provide THE COMPANY with information that will help it improve its services and content. In no case will the cookies used by THE COMPANY provide personal information of the user, who in relation to them will maintain complete anonymity, even against THE COMPANY, given that they do not provide information tending to the individualization of the user. It is the intention of THE COMPANY to highlight that in order to browse the site, it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent by THE COMPANY, this may only be required in relation to certain services and/or content.

This information is collected exclusively for internal use of THE COMPANY, for example, to increase the security of the service.

Transfer of data

All personal data collected from Users is exclusively for internal use by THE COMPANY. Whenever personal information is collected as part of the direct relationship with a user, in respect of the privacy and confidentiality of users, THE COMPANY will not assign or transfer that personal information to any third party. that is not part of THE COMPANY, or constitutes a commercial partner of THE COMPANY. The personal information of users will only be shared with third parties, in the following cases:

  1. When there is a legal obligation to do so.
  2. When there is an order issued by a competent Judge.

Disclosure of information

THE COMPANY may share certain personal information with third parties according to the terms described below.

  1. Associates

Information, including personal information you provide, may be shared with associated third parties, such as business partners.

THE COMPANY ensures that all its partners comply with protection standards, including the implementation of adequate security systems, and in the same sense that they subscribe and comply, as applicable, with the principles upheld by THE COMPANY in terms of data protection and confidentiality. personal.

2. Third party providers of data processing services

For the provision of its services, it is possible that THE COMPANY contracts certain services by third parties. These benefits may consist, without this statement being exhaustive, in automated data processing, information storage, services for sending electronic communications, transaction processing. For the proper provision of services, third parties in charge of them may require access to THE COMPANY’s databases. However, THE COMPANY does not give these third parties personal information of any kind, access by them to the databases of THE COMPANY is strictly limited to the activities necessary for the provision of the service, being prohibited the extraction of data or the making of total or partial copies of the databases of THE COMPANY.

THE COMPANY ensures that all its suppliers comply with personal data protection standards, including the implementation of adequate security systems, and in the same sense that they subscribe to and comply with, as applicable, the principles upheld by THE COMPANY in terms of protection and confidentiality of personal data.

Physical place where the processing of users’ personal data takes place

The information collected in relation to the services provided by THE COMPANY may be processed and stored in the territory of the United States or outside of it. The User not residing in the US expressly accepts the possible transfer of personal information to the US LIKEWISE ALL USERS, RESIDENT OR NOT, expressly accept THAT THEIR PERSONAL INFORMATION MAY BE STORED IN MEDIA LOCATED OUTSIDE THE US This consent will be understood to be granted tacitly when the user has made use of any of the services provided by THE COMPANY. In any case, THE COMPANY guarantees that the information will be processed only in a jurisdiction that ensures adequate legal protection for the data owners.

Communications of THE COMPANY

Occasionally the data of the users may be used to send communications to the users themselves, in relation to the services provided by THE COMPANY. When a user prefers not to be contacted for these purposes, they may:

  1. Communicate with THE COMPANY according to the contact information provided here, and request that information about products and services not be sent to you.
  2. Execute the instructions to that effect included in the emails sent by THE COMPANY

Finally, messages related to the status or changes related to services will be sent to users whenever necessary. Thus, for example, if a service is modified, adds new functionalities, or updates its way of operating.

Rights of data owners

In turn, and as a consequence of the guarantee of the protected rights, it is also expressed as a purpose, that of allowing access to the information by the people linked to the registered data at all times.

In this way, the interested party may exercise the rights of access, rectification, blocking and deletion, which will be mentioned later.

The right to access data: it is the right to request and obtain information on the personal data included in the databases.

The right to demand the rectification of the data: In principle, the right to demand the rectification can be exercised in the event of falsehood, inaccuracy, inaccuracy, lack of validity, or erroneous nature of the data. Its recognition implies that of the preservation of the veracity of the information, a condition that makes the quality of the same.

The right to block: constitutes the right to demand the removal of personal data from a database intended for advertising.

The right to deletion: The “deletion” of a data implies its definitive elimination from the file or record.

The exercise of said rights may be made effective by each user through communication addressed to THE COMPANY, according to the contact information provided here. The request for access, rectification, updating or deletion must contain and accompany the following:

  1. The name of the owner, email address and address to communicate the response to your request;
  2. The documents that prove the identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the owner;
  3. The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, and
  4. Any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data.
  5. In the case of requests for rectification of personal data, the owner must indicate, in addition to what is indicated in the previous points, the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports their request.

Once a request has been made by the owner of the data, THE COMPANY will issue a certificate of receipt of the request, and will proceed according to the case:

Request for access to stored personal data: the stored data will be reported within a maximum period of 30 calendar days after receiving the claim from the owner of the data.

Request for rectification , or deletion of stored personal data: the operations necessary for the requested purpose will be arbitrated within 15 business days of receiving the claim from the owner of the data.

We use appropriate security methods

In THE COMPANY safety is important. THE COMPANY adopts all the logical and physical security measures required by the regulations, and those that result from adequate prudence and diligence in the protection of Users who have placed their trust in THE COMPANY, to protect the personal information collected against access unauthorized alteration or destruction. THE COMPANY evaluates and improves its security systems whenever necessary.

Changes to this Policy

In case of modification of this Policy, we will publish those changes in this section, the main page of the Site, and other places that are considered appropriate to notify the interested parties of the changes. THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time, for which purpose the interested parties must become aware of it on a regular basis, resorting to reading it with a frequency not less than once a week.

What happens to your Personal Information when you close your user account?

In the event that a client or user decides to close their account with THE COMPANY, our Privacy Policy will remain in force with respect to that client or user. All your personal information will be marked as unavailable; however, the client or user must take into account that this does not mean the elimination of their information. The information of the clients or users will continue to be stored in the systems of THE COMPANY, remaining unavailable, and may only be used to resolve any controversy or legal situation that may arise, and until the term of the legal prescription of the obligations of a contractual nature is fulfilled. The obligation of confidentiality will continue indefinitely with respect to the information that constitutes personal data and as long as these data are kept by THE COMPANY.


Campus Live