Campus Live

About Campus Live

Campus Live is a service created by technology experts hand in hand with teachers specialized in e-learning united to revolutionize learning


  • Our mission at Campus Live is to provide an English learning platform that is modern, agile, practical and easy to use:


    • Immersed in the digital world, completely online, and accessible from anywhere and at any time.
    • Mixing it with modern pedagogical methods and specially designed for the online public.
    • Also providing a differential and proven effectiveness mechanism such as the combination of learning and individual practices with live lessons.
    • With expert teachers who help enhance the assimilation of the English language in charge of live lessons.
    • With content designed for application in all aspects of personal and/or work life.


  • Our vision at Campus Live is to be able to massify the learning of the English language and overcome all the barriers that make it difficult to assimilate a new language.


    In this way we seek to be able to provide an accessible service that allows us to enhance the personal and/or professional development of all Spanish-speaking people through learning the most important language in the modern world:


    This vision will be realized in the following ways:

    • Teaching through modern methods.
    • Respecting the times of each person.
    • Through the application of a didactic, simple and flexible mechanism.
    • Using the tools that current technology offers us, with the support of teachers with extensive experience in e-learning, highly qualified and at the same time close to the people.
    • Applying constant improvement in our content, our tools and our teaching methodologies.


  • Our core values at Campus Live are:


    • Commitment to students to achieve their evolution in learning the English language.
    • Creativity to achieve the best combination of tools, online classes and pedagogical methods
    • to enhance the development of our students.
    • Honesty of our team in all its actions.
    • Mutual respect between us and towards all the people with whom we deal.
    • Pride in promoting a change in traditional forms of teaching that changes the paradigm of learning the English language.

Campus Live